6 Vital Reasons to Schedule and Follow Through With Annual Blood Tests

When it comes to monitoring your health, standard checkups don’t always cut it. This is particularly true as you grow older, and health problems start to rear their ugly heads more and more often.
As such, in addition to scheduling regular checkups, it also becomes a good idea to schedule annual blood tests. Wondering why exactly you should get blood work done annually? Here are 6 vital reasons to schedule and follow through with annual blood testing services.
1. Diseases Move Quickly
Perhaps the most important reason to undergo annual blood tests is that diseases act quickly. As such, if you contract a disease, and if you don’t treat it in a rapid manner, it could endanger your life. Put simply, early detection is vital.
What’s a surefire way to detect diseases that you might be suffering from? Take a blood test.
Taking a blood test every year will allow you to catch most diseases early on in their existence, oftentimes before physical symptoms even present themselves. This will enable treatment to start as soon as possible, giving you the best chance at beating your disease.
2. Diabetes Is Getting More Common
You may not think that you have diabetes. However, it’s not always as obvious as it might seem. And, considering that diabetes is getting more and more common, it wouldn’t be a total shock to find that you do, indeed, have it.
This is another reason that an annual blood test is so important. It enables you to detect diabetes when it wouldn’t otherwise be detected.
In many cases, sufferers of diabetes don’t even know that they’re suffering from it until it has done long-term damage to their bodies. This long-term damage can include everything from blood vessel damage to eye issues and more, and can severely negatively impact one’s quality of life.
But by catching diabetes early in its existence (by way of a blood test!), you can work toward eliminating it, giving yourself a shot of avoiding its long-term effects altogether.
3. Blood Testing Is Accurate
Diagnosing ailments by eye is possible but it’s not always the most accurate method. If you really want to determine whether a person is suffering from something, you have to test that person’s blood.
Simply put, blood tests are accurate. They’re not perfect, mind you. However, they can be facilitated as many times as is necessary, allowing physicians to do away with false measurements.
Blood can tell you a lot about a person. It can tell you about a person’s electrolyte levels, it can determine a person’s white blood cell count, it can be used to diagnose problems with the thyroid. There are all sorts of things that can be tested for in blood, and you’re bound to get an accurate reading for all of them.
If you want to be almost 100% certain about the state of your health, get a yearly blood test done.
4. Your Hormones Could Be Affecting Your Quality of Life
The human body and its functionality are regulated by a variety of different hormones. The levels of these hormones can have a large effect on the body’s physiology, from its ability to get sufficient rest to its ability to regulate mood and much more.
Unfortunately, hormone imbalances are quite common. And, even more, unfortunately, they’re difficult to identify.
This is where a blood test can be hugely beneficial. Blood testing will enable you to gauge your hormone levels, putting you in a position where you can counteract your hormonal imbalances.
There are several things you can do to help regulate your hormones, from getting more sleep to getting more exercise to reducing your stressors and even undergoing hormone replacement therapy.
In this case, just knowing is half the battle. But once you know, you can work to get yourself back to normal.
5. The Human Body Is Ever-Changing
The human body responds to stimuli differently over time. What once benefited the body might serve no use now. As such, if you want to maintain your optimal health, you must keep up on how your body is reacting to food, exercise, sleep, and otherwise.
How can you do this? By undergoing annual blood tests. A blood test will provide you with all sorts of information about your body, helping you figure out ways in which you can improve your health.
It can assist not only in diet planning but fitness planning and healthy lifestyle changes as well. Once you have that vital information in front of you, you can use it to drive your future choices.
6. A Blood Test Will Determine Whether You’re Getting Your Nutrients
In order for the human body to function at its max capacity, it needs to be getting the right amount of vital nutrients. These include things like iron, Vitamin D, and the like, and they can have a seismic effect on your physical and mental well-being.
Of course, there’s only one way to determine whether you’re really getting the necessary amount of nutrients. You have to undergo a blood test.
A blood test will reveal the levels for all of the nutrients that your body needs. It will help you identify deficiencies, and show you where you could improve in the future.
Do You Need Assistance With Annual Blood Tests?
Are you a doctor that needs help with testing your patients’ blood? If so, we here at Precision Labs are the people to see.
We assist with annual blood tests for all sorts of establishments, from assisted living facilities to physicians’ offices to home health agencies and more. Not only do we draw blood from patients ourselves but we also facilitate the testing of that blood.
Contact us today to discuss your needs!