10 Things You Should Know About a CBC Blood Test

If you haven’t been feeling A-OK recently, your doctor may recommend that you have a complete blood count (CBC) blood test. This common test gives your doctor a chance to take a look at your general state of health. What will the CBC blood test reveal? How do you prepare for the test? When should I get a CBC blood test?
We’ll answer all these questions and more in our ten things you should know about a CBC blood test.
1. A CBC Blood Test Indicates General Health
A complete blood test measures different features of your blood. These include:
- Red blood cells
- White blood cells
- Platelets
- Hemoglobin
- Hematocrit
Within these broad headings, the CBC blood test will look at individual parts. For example, there are five types of white blood cells. As well as providing an overall white blood cell count, the CBC blood test tells you the levels of each type of white blood cell.
If your results show that your levels are within the normal range, this indicates that you are in good general health.
A CBC blood test is often the launchpad for further investigations. However, it can also reveal conditions such as anemia. It can also show up infections, immune system disorders, and certain cancers of the blood.
2. You Do Not Need to Fast for a CBC Blood Test
One of the most common questions people ask is, “Do I need to fast for a CBC blood test?” The answer is no, you don’t.
However, your doctor may order a CBC blood test as part of a range of tests to investigate symptoms you may be experiencing. Although for a CBC blood test fasting is not required, it is a requirement for other common tests.
These include fasting blood glucose and iron level blood tests. These require you to fast for 12 hours before taking the test. Make sure you check exactly what’s needed before arriving for the blood test.
3. The Test Is Not Risky
The actual test is very simple and for many people is relatively painless.
Some people develop a bruise where the needle went in. There may also be a very small amount of bleeding. For most people though, they cannot tell where the blood was drawn from shortly after the test.
4. Certain Factors Can Affect Your Result
It’s natural to be concerned if one of your levels shows up as abnormal. However, there are various factors that can affect these levels. You will not necessarily need medical treatment.
Factors such as menstruation, diet, medications you are taking, and even activity levels can all affect the result. Your doctor will review the results with you and discuss any other factors that could account for the abnormal readings.
5. CBC Blood Tests Diagnose Infections
If your doctor suspects that you have an infection, he or she may request a CBC blood test. They will be especially interested in your white blood cell (WBC) count.
If this is high or low it can indicate an infection. The white blood cell differential test can indicate whether an infection is bacterial or viral.
6. CBC Blood Tests Help Diagnose Cancer
Blood testing is just part of the range of tests doctors conduct the confirm a diagnosis of cancer. A simple CBC blood test can be very helpful in diagnosing different forms of cancer, along with biopsies, and other blood tests.
A CBC blood test can be used to diagnose certain blood cancers such as leukemia. It may show that there are too many or too few of certain types of blood cells. It can also pick up abnormal cells.
7. CBC Blood Tests Diagnose Deficiencies
Deficiencies of essential nutrients such as iron and vitamin B-12 can cause symptoms such as fatigue and low mood. A CBC blood test helps to diagnose these conditions.
It is possible to diagnose anemia from a CBC blood test. This is a common condition which results in a low red blood cell count and low hemoglobin levels. However, it can also be caused by other diseases, so you may need further tests.
Abnormal red blood cells can help doctors to diagnose specific conditions. For example, sickle-shaped red blood cells are the hallmark of sickle cell disease. Large red blood cells can suggest that a person may have a vitamin B12 or folate deficiency.
8. CBC Blood Tests Help Monitor Ongoing Conditions
If you are suffering from an ongoing or long-term condition, your doctor may order a CBC blood test to monitor your current state of health.
The CBC test can show how whether certain medications are working as planned. They can also be used to monitor blood disorders that affect blood cell counts.
9. Everyone Should Have CBC Blood Tests Regularly
Many blood disorders cause no symptoms. The first a person knows about them is when they have a CBC blood test.
This is why it’s very important to have a CBC blood test as part of a regular check-up. Early detection can lead to prompt treatment. This can help you to nip problems in the bud before symptoms develop.
10. How Much Does a CBC Blood Test Cost?
The cost of a CBC blood test varies depending on the clinic you use. If your doctor orders a CBC blood test your health insurance will likely cover the cost.
A private hospital may charge as much as $100. If you use a private lab, you may be able to get one for as little as $20.
The Value of CBC Blood Tests
A CBC blood test might be one of the most common blood tests available today. But that does not mean that it is one of the least important.
They reveal your current state of health and help to diagnose a range of conditions. They also monitor the effectiveness of treatments.
At Precision Labs we offer blood testing services. You can trust our kind and professional service to provide blood testing at a place that’s convenient for you. We also provide fast results, easily available by fax or our online portal.
Click here to learn more about why Precision Labs is the best choice for your next blood test.