5 Benefits of At-Home Blood Tests

Few things have revolutionized medical care like the blood test. Collecting samples of a person’s blood can offer strong information that lets you give them better medical care.
The global blood testing industry is worth about $74 billion today. It’s a more valuable and in-demand industry than ever, which is why outsourcing bloodwork to companies can help your practice.
You can really offer cutting-edge services by also offering at-home blood tests. These tips will help you when you’re looking to learn more about at-home blood tests and how they can benefit your practice.
1. The Results Are Quick
An at home blood test offered by a company provides results that are quick and timely. When doctors order blood tests, they’re relying on those quick results for diagnoses and information that helps them prescribe medication or offer other services.
You also speed up the results by collecting blood at a patient’s home, rather than waiting for them to find a location and schedule an appointment on their own.
2. Multiple Business Models Will Benefit
Companies that offer remote testing serve practices of all types. Virtually any healthcare practice that collects blood from patients can benefit from at-home services.
These companies serve a variety of practices, including:
- Family practices
- Ob-gyn practices
- Assisted living facilities
Knowing that these services are versatile means that you’re getting the help of professionals who are skilled at extracting blood and properly handling and labeling the samples.
3. It Helps Doctors Perform Better Medicine
Access to bloodwork results makes your doctors better professionals each and every day. You can’t perform your best medicine with slow or incomplete information. Working with a company that provides at-home blood collection lets you streamline your work while quickly getting up-to-date records.
With the right information, patients will get accurate care and the best health outcomes. There are several reasons that a physician might order bloodwork for a patient.
A doctor might order a Complete Blood Count (CBC) test for a patient for many reasons, including:
- Exploring the cause or reasons for symptoms like lethargy and fever
- Diagnosing conditions like anemia
- Getting up-to-date monitoring of blood conditions
- Studying the results and effectiveness of medications
- General wellness checks
The ability to perform better medicine can help increase your patient load while retaining your current patients.
4. Patients Appreciate the Convenience
At-home, remote testing is also beneficial for the patient. They appreciate the convenience of not having to go anywhere or do anything other than sign some paperwork once a collector arrives at their home.
The patient will be able to sign up for a 2-hour window and simply has to provide access once a licensed professional arrives. It cuts out any work and most obligations, and patients enjoy the benefit of having blood collected in the comfort of their homes.
This convenience provides what’s best for the patient and your practice at the same time.
5. Blood Tests Are Excellent for Health Improvement
Offering at-home blood testing lets you round out the services that you offer patients. There are several blood tests you can offer that will help patients improve their health.
Using lab results can help doctors point patients toward remedies and solutions that they hadn’t yet explored. Some areas of health that getting blood work can help with include:
- Allergy specialists that run a full panel test to learn what triggers patients
- Cardiologists who help patients find more heart-healthy activities and remedies
- Putting patients on weight loss and fitness regimens
Once a patient has the data right in front of them, they can start to make health improvements that upgrade their quality of life. You can also form partnerships with different specialists who can help you diversify your practice and aid your patients in their health improvement journey.
6. Doctors Can Focus on What They Do Best
Your practice will run more efficiently when you have the help of a company that offers at-home blood tests. It eases your burden of scheduling and staffing and frees you up to focus on your main areas of interest.
Outsourcing to bloodwork professionals lightens the workload of your staff and improves the morale of the practice. This boosts employee retention and your staff will be more energetic and engaged with patients. Long-term, this means more patient referrals and a practice that gets consistently high ratings.
7. Mobile Phlebotomists Can Assist
The best part about at-home testing is that there’s no drop-off in the medical quality that your patients receive. Collections are handled by mobile phlebotomists who show their identification when they arrive at the patient’s home. They know the correct, safe, and comfortable methods for collecting blood.
You’ll have fewer mistakes working with pros, and won’t have to send any of your staff out to these house calls. This service is an excellent investment because patients get access to pros that can handle a skilled visit. These companies can take blood from as many patients as you need on any given workday.
Invest in At Home Blood Test Services
Blood tests are a fundamental part of providing excellent services to patients. Your practice is immediately better when you understand the benefits of at-home blood tests and use them as needed in your practice.
The only thing left is to start reaching out to professionals that can help you with at-home testing and other types of blood collecting.
At Precision Labs, we serve clients all throughout the medical industry. Research our products and services, and contact us online or at 1-833-333-LABS.